Becoming A Member

Community Therapy Ireland is the only national representative association for professional community-based counselling & psychotherapy services in Ireland.

Our Members

  • All Community Therapy Ireland members are registered charities who receive core or partial funding from the state for the services they deliver.
  • All Community Therapy Ireland members are community-based, not-for-profit, and adhere to the principles of community-based counselling and psychotherapy.

Membership Categories

There are two mutually exclusive categories of membership available to organisations. The choice of membership category for an organisation will be determined by the following criteria. Where doubt arises the final decision on membership category will rest with the Community Therapy Ireland Directors.
For organisations who do not meet membership criteria but wish to be affiliated with Community Therapy Ireland, they can apply to become Strategic Partners.

Full Members

Full Membership is open to the following organisations:

  • Community-based, not-for-profit organisations who have voluntary or charitable status.
  • Organisations whose core purpose is to provide counselling to the community

Associate Members

Associate membership is open to the following organisations:

  • Community-based, not-for-profit organisations who have voluntary or charitable status.
  • Organisations who deliver other services in addition to counselling or counselling is not the core service being provided. In this case, the counselling section must be a substantial element within the organisation and have its own separate policies and procedures.
  • Organisations who provide a service to the community that includes community-based counselling or is a national organisation with the same ethos.

Strategic Partner of Community Therapy Ireland 

The purpose of this membership category is promote and encourage our ethos of collaboration and partnership across allied groups and professions in the not-for-profit community-based sector.
Strategic Partners support Community Therapy Ireland's aims and objectives, operate in an allied profession or have interest in or support for community-based / voluntary counselling. Please contact our CEO at to learn more about Strategic Partnerships.

If your organisation would like to learn more about becoming a member of Community Therapy Ireland, please contact our Clinical Lead Bríd Meighan at