Candle Community Trust

Candle Community Trust, is an NGO working with “at risk” young people in Ballyfermot and the surrounding areas. The project aims to provide a context for emotional, intellectual, physical, social and spiritual growth and development. Working through 4 main programmes; the Training Programme, Connect Project, Youth Service and the Therapeutic Space, the Project provides a range of educational and developmental modules. Candle is funded primarily by 4 main funding agencies, i.e. HSE, Probation Service, CDETB, TUSLA.


- To work with young people with a wide range of struggles and difficulties and in doing so prioritise their emotional and psychological health.

- To respond to significant emotional stress and trauma affecting our client group; some of who are presenting with poor self-esteem, anxiety, depression and grief.

- To promote well-being at all levels of the person in turn supporting the educational/training programme in Candle and the young person’s academic achievements.

- To address the emotional well-being of the young person so as to support full integration into community.

Community Therapy Ireland Associate Membership